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Patients and Family are central

In medical care patients and family should be our central concern and they have rights, it's as simple as that.


It is important to realise two things:


-Nobody is prepared for that moment when they become a patient

-Patients and their family should be treated as clients


Informed Consent

An informed patient is a prepared patient.

The most important right that patients and family have is the right to correct treatment.

This starts with being well informed about their diagnosis and the proposed treatment.

Patients need to realise that under normal circumstances a doctor can not give any kind of treatment, especially not invasive procedures like surgery, without the consent of the patient.

In addition, this consent can only really be given correctly if the patient is informed about the relevant aspects of the procedure.

Under the subtab Informed Consent more information on this mandatory informed consent can be found.

Complications and Complaints

In modern medical care great attention is given to a safe patient environment with many safety promoting measures. However safe we are, things can still wrong.

when this happens it is important that patients are guided well, with good information and correct assessments of events.

Under the subtab Complications and Complaints more information on complications and the complaint procedure is given.



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